Thursday, April 30, 2009

Interview with Basir Seerat, an Afghan Photojournalist by Whohub

Do you have an online gallery where one can view your photos?
I have tree online gallery that all can see my photographs, in fact Afghanistan is a country which here you can find very original and really interesting subjects to shoot. You can see my photographs here:
For how long have you done photography? How did you begin?
I start photography from 2003 since I saw the exhibition of 11 September attack of America, Photographs was exhibited in Kabul for afghan audience. On that time I feel that photography is great to share what is happening in the world. Then I start taking photos from Any subjects, also I join to same photojournalism courses to learn better to do. Now its five year that I am a photographer in Afghanistan.
What has been your education as a photographer?
I have certificate of Photojournalism from AINA media cultural center as well as now I am studding online Photojournalism in MEYMI University .
Please list any exhibitions in which you have participated.
In the past tree years I had 7 photo exhibition around Afghanistan by the names of : Kabul Night , Situations of Human Rights in Afghanistan tree times, 3rd Eye, Kabul social Life, and view of soul.
Please list any awards for your work.
my photos toked second position on you can see that here:
What is your favourite type of photography?
photojournalism , Documentary photography , arts photography and interest as will as in geographic photography too.
What do you try to express through your photography?
Social life Around Afghanistan, cultural of the people, beauty, surprise, and human rights.
How do you choose your subjects?
Very easy, I know the life of all people Around Afghanistan, here is a lot of point to share to audience so having a subject is really easy, joust a person move truth among the people then thing what is to be shoot and what should I share for international audience .
What type of preparation do you do before undertaking the photo session?
Checking the battery of Camera , flash , lenses , and memory stacks , having tripod , and food to eat when that I feel I am far from the city.
Do you normally photograph with a purpose already in mind, or do you let yourself go with the flow?
Some subjects is important for audience and especially for news so that time I imagine that to creativity of knowledge for photography projects , and some time its also impotent to see what is happening on the way so photographer is searching subjects , moments to take a better today for great tomorrow.

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